Our school has a sprawling campus spread over 75 acres. Sandur being located in the midst of the mountains is rich in biodiversity. Sandur is at an elevation of 1800 feet above sea-level and has an excellent climate throughout the year, with an average annual rainfall of about 35 inches. The school is located in the spacious grounds of the old Palace, ‘Shivapur’, on the outskirts of Sandur town. It is surrounded by wooded hills and a charming country side, ideal for excursions and all types of out-door activities.
Classes are often taken outside the classrooms under the shade of a tree. Students are encouraged to study the plants, trees and birds that in the campus premises.
There are various birds which visit the school campus such as Red spurfowl, Puff-throated babbler, White-throated fantail, Spotted dove, Red-whiskered bulbul, Oriental white-eye, Brown-headed barbet and spotted owlets. Winter visitors like, Blue-capped rock thrush, Tickell’s blue Flycatcher, Verditer flycatcher, Red-breasted flycatcher are seen in and around the campus.
Another unique observation that one can make in the school campus are the bats. Towards the principal’s room and library one can observe hundreds of bats (mammals of the order Chiroptera) on each of the trees. It is a sight hard to miss and the bats have been choosing to stay on the same five to seven trees for over 50 years (recorded since 1970’s).